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by Evelyn, Wien, Austria, 2017-12-12 15:36:16
5 of 5 Stars
Advanced Bite Sleeve with Jute Cover for IGP Training
Do you need to prepare your dog for IGP, KNPV, Ring Sport or other trials? Are you in search of a bite sleeve for advanced training? We are glad to propose you a professional dog bite sleeve, which was admitted by the judges as the best one at Schutzhund trials 2011! This sleeve is a revolutionary model of ultimate design! Train your dog with professional IGP bite sleeve that is used and recommended by experienced trainers!
This IGP sleeve is used with protective cover ONLY!
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Best IGP Sleeve for Professional Training and Trials
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Regulated Flexibility for Advanced Stage of Dog Training
Main features of this IGP Sleeve:
- supertough materials inside and out
- dog and trainer safe
- non-toxic and hypoallergic
- handle inside for better mobility
- flexibility regulation
- 3 ways adjustable bite area
- 6 ways adjustable handle
- reliably stitched
- protection for shoulder
- used with sleeve cover
- soft inner side
- top quality
Proper use of this Bite Sleeve:
- IGP dog training
- sport competitions
- police, K9, military training
- attack and protection training
This IGP sleeve is made of extremely strong and absolutely safe NC material. It is fitted with regulated handle inside for better convenience and mobility during training. Bite area flexibility regulation will help to improve dog bite skills. The sleeve is used with special jute cover to extend its lifetime and to protect teeth of your dog.
Take a Look at Dog Training with Our Bite Sleeve and Jute Cover
Photos from Our Clients
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IGP Training Sleeve with Protective Cover of Jute
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Sleeve + Cover = 100% Security of Dog Trainer's Arm
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Sleeve and Cover Make Dog's Attack Effective and Safe for Its Teeth
DRAW ATTENTION! The jute cover in a set with this sleeve is used for dog training. Choose, please, the following covers for competitions and championships. Click on the photos to learn detailed info about these covers.

Look at Doberman Duke Training with Our Sleeve by UKDA Trainer Shangar
15 Months Old Malinois in Preparation for IGP 3